DDD Europe 2023 - Program

Programming and Reasoning

Main Conference - Hands-on Lab


Mathias Verraes and Romeu Moura

Mathias VerraesRomeu Moura
Friday 9 from 14:30 until 16:30 in Room 8+9

(This is a hands-on lab with limited capacity)

In this session, Romeu and Mathias will work on a coding problem, while debating their design choices, and the philosophy underlying those choices. You're invited to challenge the presenters and change their minds. Be ready for a mix of over- and underdesign, intuition and analysis, design principles and rule-breaking.

About Mathias Verraes

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Mathias Verraes is the founder of Aardling, a software modelling & design consultancy, with a penchant for complex environments. His focus is on design strategy and messaging-centric domain modelling. Since leaving a lead developer job in 2011 and moving to consulting in 2011, Mathias has worked with clients in Finance, Government, Supply Chain, Mobility, Energy, E-Commerce, and more.

Mathias writes about software design at verraes.net since 2011. As a speaker, he's been at major conferences such as NDC and Goto, and has been a keynote speaker DDD eXchange, ExploreDDD, KanDDDinsky, and others. Occasionally, he teaches courses on Domain-Driven Design & messaging architecture. Mathias is also the founder of the DDD Europe conference.

Mathias has a Masters in Music from the Royal Conservatory of Ghent, and is an autodidact on software. When he’s at home in Kortrijk, Belgium, he helps his two sons build crazy Lego contraptions.

About Romeu Moura

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Endless conversation — with friends, compilers — on art, equivocacy, Symmathesy, methods, absurdism, dialectic, paradigm jumps, serendipity.